A Chorus of Ideas

You are invited to join Canadian artists Mia + Eric for an afternoon of public reading. A Chorus of Ideas is kind of like a book club. But in the woods. Where we read in groups. Just sit and read. Aloud or to yourself. What effect will our voices have in the woods? Can we change our relationships with other species by practicing new ways of being in the woods? Do our voices collectively signal to the deer, fungus, and nuthatch we are willing to do better? Can we prove to the spruce that their transformation from forest to paper matters? Are we willing in to think strangely about ourselves and the woods? 

Each participant will be given a copy of a short book and a pencil for note taking, underlining, and highlighting. We will provide snacks and (hopefully) tea. This is an outdoor event so dress appropriately.

Saturday April 23, 1pm - 4pm: The Democracy of Species, by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Saturday May 21, 1pm - 4pm: All Art is Ecological, by Timothy Morton

We will meet at the main Chopwell Wood car park.

Registration is necessary.


“TREES NEED A UNION” and other updates


Meeting Walter Gramlich