This Planted Place

This Planted Place is a three-channel, 25 minute video installation we created this spring and displayed at the Kommandant’s house in Dilsberg. Lea Gerschwitz wrote a nice essay about the piece, which you can read on the project page for This Planted Place, here.

Here is an excerpt:

“But the calm choreography of these images is disturbed by an increasingly loud audio backdrop, in which the sonorous buzzing of the bees has to compete with man-made sounds. Construction site noise, the squeaking of a saw, an airplane, human voices or sirens accompany the nature shots. Via megaphone a supernatural voice speaks into the forest: "The Heidewald is a cultivated world (...). A confusion on sandy ground." What is this place? What can it be?”


Film Phase - In A Strange Place


“TREES NEED A UNION” and other updates