This is the Rhine-Neckar Region
(Check back often as we will be updating regularly with images, texts, and archival materials)

A ROUGH TRANSLATION OF THE SIGN. The Palatinate Forest Northern Vosges biosphere reserve is considered the largest contiguous forest area in Western Europe! There are also real beauties hidden in them: layers of red sandstone up to 500 m high, meadow valleys and ponds. A varied natural and cultural landscape that has been co-designed by man, in which we can still discover a lot. The Eiswoog and the Stumpwald are among these wonderful places. The Eiswoog, fed by the Eisbach, did not arise naturally, but through human use. Due to the damming of the Eisbach, the Eiswoog served the monastery complex as a fish breeding pond in the 15th century and was also used as a water reservoir for local ironworks in the 17th and 18th centuries. In the Palatinate Forest, »Wooge« can be found again and again (Woog comes from wäc, a Middle High German water word), which in the past also served as a collection point and water reservoir when rafting logs or sawn timber. You are currently in the »stump forest«. This northern part of the Pfålzerwald is characterized by valley cuts. The area was called "stamp" in vernacular and means areas in the area where it was necessary to walk with stamping steps because of the steep slopes. The Eiswoog and the surrounding forests have become valuable habitats for numerous animal and plant species. Brown trout, rainbow trout, carp, tench, pike, perch, white fish such as e.g. Roach, rudd and crabs (mostly American crayfish, some of the native European crayfish). The strictly protected kingfisher nests in some areas of the Wooges. When fishing every 2 years, the water of the Eiswoog is drained. All interested parties are invited to this special event and can get a more detailed picture of the fish, the range of species in this habitat and the use of the egg. Submitted by Gabriele Rinderknecht.
PFÄLZER WALD (click photos to visit website - audio on). Panorama shots and ambient recordings taken by myself in July 2020. This is located in the "Pfälzer Wald" near Neustadt an der Weinstraße. This is 115 m above sea level. Submitted by Klaus.
PFÄLZER WALD (click photos to visit website - audio on). Panorama shots and ambient recordings taken by myself in July 2020. This is located in the "Pfälzer Wald" near Neustadt an der Weinstraße. This is 265 m above sea level. Submitted by Klaus.

GEHIMNIS. Hallo, gerne beteilige ich mich mit einem Gedict…das mir wie viele andere spontan in den Kopf geschossen ist… Submitted by Ulrich

EISWOOG IN THE PALATINATE FOREST. Spaziergang am Eiswoog im Pfälzerwald mit meiner Enkelin Ida. Sie hat kleine Frösche oder Kröten „gerettet“ und von der Straße an den Strand gebracht. Und es war wunderschön! Liebe Grüße. Submitted by Gabi Rinderknecht

EISWOOG IN THE PALATINATE FOREST. Spaziergang am Eiswoog im Pfälzerwald mit meiner Enkelin Ida. Sie hat kleine Frösche oder Kröten „gerettet“ und von der Straße an den Strand gebracht. Und es war wunderschön! Liebe Grüße. Submitted by Gabi Rinderknecht

EISWOOG IN THE PALATINATE FOREST. Spaziergang am Eiswoog im Pfälzerwald mit meiner Enkelin Ida. Sie hat kleine Frösche oder Kröten „gerettet“ und von der Straße an den Strand gebracht. Und es war wunderschön! Liebe Grüße. Submitted by Gabi Rinderknecht

EISWOOG IN THE PALATINATE FOREST. Spaziergang am Eiswoog im Pfälzerwald mit meiner Enkelin Ida. Sie hat kleine Frösche oder Kröten „gerettet“ und von der Straße an den Strand gebracht. Und es war wunderschön! Liebe Grüße. Submitted by Gabi Rinderknecht
The area painted by my son (Anton). Submitted by Christoph.

VINEYARD VIEW. This is a view from east to west from the vineyards to the Palatinate Forest. Here in special an plot of our wines surrounded from the Berntal (nature reserve). One of the last not land consolidated Preforest - Wine areas in palatinate. Submitted by Christoph.











HIDE SPOT LOOK OUT. This is a view from my "hide" spot (the spot where you would sit as a hunter, observing animals) in Palatinate. Submitted by Uli, a huntress.

VIEW OF PALATINATE. Submitted by Uli, a huntress.

CEREMONY FOR THE BOARS. After a hunt the shot animals are placed in a specific order. According to custom, each species gets its own signal by the hunting horn. Submitted by Uli, a huntress.



A MUSHROOM IN THE PFÄLZER WALD. Submitted by Uli, a huntress.


A MUSHROOM IN THE PFÄLZER WALD. Submitted by Uli, a huntress.

VIEW OF PALATINATE. Submitted by Uli, a huntress.

EDGAR AT INSECT HOTEL. This is my dog Edgar, his eyes are not the best anymore. Submitted by Uli, a huntress.

EASTER BREAKFAST WITH EDGAR in Palatinate. Submitted by Uli, a huntress.

Some shots I've taken during a trip this week. The collection is named "Diversification and civilization". From left to right: Pine trees (pinus sylvestris), Hunters high seat (disintegrated). Submitted by Klaus.

Some shots I've taken during a trip this week. The collection is named "Diversification and civilization". From left to right: Former spa and forest hotel, The cave dwelling of the rock woman* *So wurde in der ganzen Region die rätselhafte Frau genannt, die der Überlieferung nach dort bis 1843 lebte. Ein Fels diente ihr als Höhlendecke, eine grob gemauerte Außenwand mit Tür- und Fensteröffnungen als Abschluss zum Wald hin. *This is the name of the enigmatic woman who, according to tradition, lived there until 1843 throughout the region. A rock served as the ceiling of the cave, and a roughly bricked outer wall with door and window openings as a closure to the forest. Sources: []. Submitted by Klaus.

Lost places Odenwald. Irgendwo im Nirgendwo im badisch-hessischen Grenzgebiet... (somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the Baden-Hessian border area). Submitted by unknown.

Lost places Odenwald. Irgendwo im Nirgendwo im badisch-hessischen Grenzgebiet... (somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the Baden-Hessian border area). Submitted by unknown.

Lost places Odenwald. Irgendwo im Nirgendwo im badisch-hessischen Grenzgebiet... (somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the Baden-Hessian border area). Submitted by unknown.

Lost places Odenwald. Irgendwo im Nirgendwo im badisch-hessischen Grenzgebiet... (somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the Baden-Hessian border area). Submitted by unknown.

Lost places Odenwald. Irgendwo im Nirgendwo im badisch-hessischen Grenzgebiet... (somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the Baden-Hessian border area). Submitted by unknown.

Lost places Odenwald. Irgendwo im Nirgendwo im badisch-hessischen Grenzgebiet... (somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the Baden-Hessian border area). Submitted by unknown.

Im Bannwald. Vorderer Kristalliner Odenwald. (In the forest Front Crystalline Odenwald). Submitted by Christiane.

Im Bannwald. Vorderer Kristalliner Odenwald. (In the forest Front Crystalline Odenwald). Submitted by Christiane.

Im Bannwald. Vorderer Kristalliner Odenwald. (In the forest Front Crystalline Odenwald). Submitted by Christiane.

Im Bannwald. Vorderer Kristalliner Odenwald. (In the forest Front Crystalline Odenwald). Submitted by Christiane.

Im Bannwald. Vorderer Kristalliner Odenwald. (In the forest Front Crystalline Odenwald). Submitted by Christiane.

Baumhauscamp bei Michelbuch, vorderer Odenwald. (Tree house camp near Michelbuch, front Odenwald). Submitted by Christiana

Alter Wegweiser im Wald (old signpost in the forest). Submitted by Christiana

Baumhauscamp bei Michelbuch, vorderer Odenwald. (Tree house camp near Michelbuch, front Odenwald). Submitted by Christiana

In der Neuenheimer Schweiz bei Heidelberg. (In Neuenheimer Schweiz near Heidelberg). Submitted by Christiana

In der Neuenheimer Schweiz bei Heidelberg. (In Neuenheimer Schweiz near Heidelberg). Submitted by Christiana

In der Neuenheimer Schweiz bei Heidelberg. (In Neuenheimer Schweiz near Heidelberg). Submitted by Christiana

Der Wald erobert den Steinbruch zurück.. (The forest recaptures the quarry). Submitted by Christiana.

Der Wald erobert den Steinbruch zurück.. (The forest recaptures the quarry). Submitted by Christiana.

The certified quality hiking trail Nibelungensteig – one of the main hiking trails in Germany – starts in Zwingenberg, which is located in the middle of the UNESCO Global Geopark Bergstrasse/ Odenwald - that's why 5 years ago I developed the idea to emphasize the "start" with a special "sign". On 17.6. 2020 the work of art was officially introduced to the town - an N (Logo N for Nibelungensteig) made of weathering steel, with two stylized figures, Siegfried and Krimhild - opens the beautiful and varied 130km long hiking trail to Freudenstadt am Main. Submitted by Ulrike , 1st chairperson of the Förderkreis Kunst und Kultur, Zwingenberg.

The certified quality hiking trail Nibelungensteig – one of the main hiking trails in Germany – starts in Zwingenberg, which is located in the middle of the UNESCO Global Geopark Bergstrasse/ Odenwald - that's why 5 years ago I developed the idea to emphasize the "start" with a special "sign". On 17.6. 2020 the work of art was officially introduced to the town - an N (Logo N for Nibelungensteig) made of weathering steel, with two stylized figures, Siegfried and Krimhild - opens the beautiful and varied 130km long hiking trail to Freudenstadt am Main. Submitted by Ulrike , 1st chairperson of the Förderkreis Kunst und Kultur, Zwingenberg.
(Click photo to visit website. Audio on). So here i post another 360 degree "audiorama" I did last week. Height is 260m above sea level. The environment is very humid and mossy. What you can hear is the sound of the flowing creek. Along the pathway there are also man-made cisterns in which the water is still collected. I think it's an almost authentic and aesthetic way of letting you explore the local forest. Cheers, enjoy. Klaus.
(Click image to visit website and to see location map). The Mußbach rises from two sources in the Palatinate Forest. It is almost 12 km long and a tributary of the Rehbach. In the Benjental the stream reaches the forest area of the Neustadt district of Gimmeldingen. In the Middle Ages, the water of the creek was used to operate water mills and engines. In the 19th century in the districts used as a sewer or – the clarified water – used to operate a swimming pool. Today the stream is partially renatured. Submitted by Klaus.

Today I would like to present an image of a little cycling tour via our so-called „Grüne Inseln“ (green islands) in the Rhine-Valley of metropolitan region Rhein-Neckar. Although these wooded areas are under extreme pressure due to climate change, you can see the welfare effect for recreation in your every-day-environment. Regards, Claus.

Today I would like to present an image of a little cycling tour via our so-called „Grüne Inseln“ (green islands) in the Rhine-Valley of metropolitan region Rhein-Neckar. Although these wooded areas are under extreme pressure due to climate change, you can see the welfare effect for recreation in your every-day-environment. Regards, Claus.

Sunset in the Palatinate Forest (Schlüsselfels, Heidenberg near Busenberg). Submitted by Corinna.

Sunset in the Palatinate Forest (Schlüsselfels, Heidenberg near Busenberg). Submitted by Corinna.

Sunset in the Palatinate Forest (Schlüsselfels, Heidenberg near Busenberg). Submitted by Corinna.

Sunset in the Palatinate Forest (Schlüsselfels, Heidenberg near Busenberg). Submitted by Corinna.

Sunset in the Palatinate Forest (Schlüsselfels, Heidenberg near Busenberg). Submitted by Corinna.

Sunset in the Palatinate Forest (Schlüsselfels, Heidenberg near Busenberg). Submitted by Corinna.

Sunset in the Palatinate Forest (Schlüsselfels, Heidenberg near Busenberg). Submitted by Corinna.

Sunset in the Palatinate Forest (Schlüsselfels, Heidenberg near Busenberg). Submitted by Corinna.

Sunset in the Palatinate Forest (Schlüsselfels, Heidenberg near Busenberg). Submitted by Corinna.

Sunset in the Palatinate Forest (Schlüsselfels, Heidenberg near Busenberg). Submitted by Corinna.

Sunset in the Palatinate Forest (Schlüsselfels, Heidenberg near Busenberg). Submitted by Corinna.

Klimaschutz und Kunst im Wald: Auf dem Isenachweiher im Pfälzer Wald treibt ein skurriles Kunstobjekt – ein kleines Floß, auf dem ein Kinderdreirad steht. Es sei Teil einer Stadtrallye, die Bad Dürkheim für die Aktion Stadtradeln veranstaltet, informiert eine Tafel. Submitted by Klaudia.

Bauherren im Pfälzer Wald: Vor rund 300 Jahren staute man den Fluss Isenach im Pfälzer Wald zum Isenachweiher für eine gleichmäßige Wasserführung des Flüsschens, das talabwärts in Bad Dürkheim die Wasserpumpen des Gradierwerks für die Saline antrieb. Auf dem Rundweg um den Weiher bestaunte ich die Werke der damaligen Bauherren – malerische Brücken, Mauern und Wassertreppen aus dem hiesigen roten Sandstein kanalisieren an Zu- und Abfluss die Isenach. (Builders in the Palatinate Forest: Around 300 years ago, the Isenach River in the Palatinate Forest was dammed up to the Isenachweiher for an even flow of water in the little river that drove the water pumps of the saltworks down the valley in Bad Dürkheim. On the loop around the pond, I marveled at the works of the builders at the time - picturesque bridges, walls and water stairs made of the local red sandstone canalize the Isenach at the inflow and outflow.). Submitted by Klaudia.

Some weeks ago, I went to the so-called Felsenmeer („sea of rocks“) for a hike and wish you could have been there, Mia & Eric. In one picture, you can read about the geological explanation and the formation of the Felsenmeer in English. However, there is another explanation: two giants once lived in this region and one day had a fight. They threw rocks at each other! The one who had more rocks on hand won the fight - he buried the other one under the rocks. Sometimes, one can still hear him roar under there, because he is mad that he lost. Others say they hear him snore, because he simply fell asleep. Which version is true? The Felsenmeer is really gigantic, the pictures don’t show how big it is. Submitted by Alena.

Some weeks ago, I went to the so-called Felsenmeer („sea of rocks“) for a hike and wish you could have been there, Mia & Eric. In one picture, you can read about the geological explanation and the formation of the Felsenmeer in English. However, there is another explanation: two giants once lived in this region and one day had a fight. They threw rocks at each other! The one who had more rocks on hand won the fight - he buried the other one under the rocks. Sometimes, one can still hear him roar under there, because he is mad that he lost. Others say they hear him snore, because he simply fell asleep. Which version is true? The Felsenmeer is really gigantic, the pictures don’t show how big it is. Submitted by Alena.

Some weeks ago, I went to the so-called Felsenmeer („sea of rocks“) for a hike and wish you could have been there, Mia & Eric. In one picture, you can read about the geological explanation and the formation of the Felsenmeer in English. However, there is another explanation: two giants once lived in this region and one day had a fight. They threw rocks at each other! The one who had more rocks on hand won the fight - he buried the other one under the rocks. Sometimes, one can still hear him roar under there, because he is mad that he lost. Others say they hear him snore, because he simply fell asleep. Which version is true? The Felsenmeer is really gigantic, the pictures don’t show how big it is. Submitted by Alena.

Some weeks ago, I went to the so-called Felsenmeer („sea of rocks“) for a hike and wish you could have been there, Mia & Eric. In one picture, you can read about the geological explanation and the formation of the Felsenmeer in English. However, there is another explanation: two giants once lived in this region and one day had a fight. They threw rocks at each other! The one who had more rocks on hand won the fight - he buried the other one under the rocks. Sometimes, one can still hear him roar under there, because he is mad that he lost. Others say they hear him snore, because he simply fell asleep. Which version is true? The Felsenmeer is really gigantic, the pictures don’t show how big it is. Submitted by Alena.

Some weeks ago, I went to the so-called Felsenmeer („sea of rocks“) for a hike and wish you could have been there, Mia & Eric. In one picture, you can read about the geological explanation and the formation of the Felsenmeer in English. However, there is another explanation: two giants once lived in this region and one day had a fight. They threw rocks at each other! The one who had more rocks on hand won the fight - he buried the other one under the rocks. Sometimes, one can still hear him roar under there, because he is mad that he lost. Others say they hear him snore, because he simply fell asleep. Which version is true? The Felsenmeer is really gigantic, the pictures don’t show how big it is. Submitted by Alena.

Felsenmeere und sogenannte " Wollsackverwitterungen" sind typisch für den vorderen kristallinen Odenwald. Auf den vorangegangenen Bildern ist eine Granitgruppe zu sehen ( Entstehungszeit: vor 370 Mio Jahren), die der Volksmund "Zigeunersgrab" genannt hat. Die Granitgruppe liegt genau auf der Grenze zwischen Hessen und Baden- Württemberg. Vor mehren Jahrhunderten, als Zigeuner vogelfrei waren, wurden auf badischer Seite zwei Zigeunerinnen erschossen. Die Not war groß, denn auf dem Friedhof durften sie nicht begraben werden. Also entschloss man sich, sie auf der Grenze, zwischen Hessen und Baden - Württemberg (damals Großherzogtum Baden) unter der Granitgruppe zu begraben. (Rock seas and so-called "wool sack weathering" are typical of the front crystalline Odenwald. In the previous pictures you can see a granite group (origin: 370 million years ago), which the vernacular called "Gypsy grave". The granite group lies exactly on the border between Hesse and Baden-Württemberg. Several centuries ago, when gypsies were outlawed, two gypsies were shot on the Baden side. The need was great because they were not allowed to be buried in the cemetery. So it was decided to bury them under the granite group on the border between Hesse and Baden-Württemberg (at that time the Grand Duchy of Baden)). Submitted by Christiana.

Felsenmeere und sogenannte " Wollsackverwitterungen" sind typisch für den vorderen kristallinen Odenwald. Auf den vorangegangenen Bildern ist eine Granitgruppe zu sehen ( Entstehungszeit: vor 370 Mio Jahren), die der Volksmund "Zigeunersgrab" genannt hat. Die Granitgruppe liegt genau auf der Grenze zwischen Hessen und Baden- Württemberg. Vor mehren Jahrhunderten, als Zigeuner vogelfrei waren, wurden auf badischer Seite zwei Zigeunerinnen erschossen. Die Not war groß, denn auf dem Friedhof durften sie nicht begraben werden. Also entschloss man sich, sie auf der Grenze, zwischen Hessen und Baden - Württemberg (damals Großherzogtum Baden) unter der Granitgruppe zu begraben. (Rock seas and so-called "wool sack weathering" are typical of the front crystalline Odenwald. In the previous pictures you can see a granite group (origin: 370 million years ago), which the vernacular called "Gypsy grave". The granite group lies exactly on the border between Hesse and Baden-Württemberg. Several centuries ago, when gypsies were outlawed, two gypsies were shot on the Baden side. The need was great because they were not allowed to be buried in the cemetery. So it was decided to bury them under the granite group on the border between Hesse and Baden-Württemberg (at that time the Grand Duchy of Baden)). Submitted by Christiana.

Dieser alte Grenzstein von 1822 befindet sich in unmittelbarer Nähe des "Zigeunersgrab" Er ist Grenzstein zwischen zwei Bundesländern und Gemarkungsstein der Ortschaft Hilsenhain zugleich. Oben ist das badische Wappen zu erkennen, darunter GB für Großherzogtum Baden und ganz unten das sogenannte "Lothringer Kreuz" ein Doppelkreuz. Die Ortschaft Hilsenhain war zur Grenzsteinsetzung im Jahr 1822 Teil der Gemeinde Rippenweier, die das Lothringer Kreuz in ihrem Wappen führt. (This old boundary stone from 1822 is located in the immediate vicinity of the "Gypsy Grave" It is the boundary stone between two federal states and the boundary stone for the village of Hilsenhain. The coat of arms of Baden can be seen at the top, below GB for the Grand Duchy of Baden and at the bottom the so-called "Lothringer Kreuz", a double cross. When the boundary stone was set in 1822, the village of Hilsenhain was part of the municipality of Rippenweier, which has the Lorraine cross in its coat of arms.) Submitted by Christiana.

Das Felsenmeer war schon vor 200 Jahren ein touristischer Ort, der junge Dichter Georg Büchner hat es mit seinem Freund Alexis Muston besucht, und der hat ihn dort gezeichnet - eines der ganz wenigen authentischen Büchner-Bilder ist so entstanden: [A. Muston: Skizzenbuch, Georg Büchner auf dem Felsenmeer]. (The Felsenmeer was already a tourist place 200 years ago, the young poet Georg Büchner visited it with his friend Alexis Muston, and he drew it there - one of the very few authentic Büchner pictures was created like this: [A. Muston: Sketchbook, Georg Büchner on the sea of rocks]. Submitted by Peter, Director of the "Büchnerhaus", Georg Büchners Birthplace and Museum in Riedstadt.
And finally for today - Georg Buechners "Lenz" has some of the greatest texts about nature in German literature. Submitted by Peter. // "Only sometimes, when the storm threw the clouds into the valleys, and it steamed up the forest, and the voices on the rocks were awakened, soon like thunder fading away, and then roaring violently, in tones as if they wanted in hers singing wild cheers to the earth, and the clouds sprang up like wild neighing horses, and the sunshine went through and came between them, and drew its flashing sword on the snowy surfaces, so that a bright, blinding light cut over the peaks into the valleys; or when the storm the clouds drifted downwards and tore a light blue lake into it, and then the wind died away and deep down from the ravines, from the tops of the fir trees hummed up like a lullaby and bells, and a faint red rose up against the deep blue, and small clouds on silver wings passed through and all the mountain peaks, sharp and firm, far across the land shone and flashed, it tore him in his chest, he stood panting, his body bent forward, eyes and Mu nd wide open, he thought he had to draw the storm in himself, take in everything, he expanded and lay over the earth, he burrowed his way into space, it was a pleasure that hurt him; Or he stood still and laid his head in the moss and half closed his eyes, and then it drew far from him, the earth gave way under him, it became as small as a walking star and dipped itself into a rushing stream that submerged its clear tide pulled him. " (click photo for original text)

Tiere im wald und ihre verstecke steckt mich an weiter zu suchen nach verborgenen Reviews über Bäume und Tiere. Submitted by Chris.

Tiere im wald und ihre verstecke steckt mich an weiter zu suchen nach verborgenen Reviews über Bäume und Tiere. Submitted by Chris.

We really love the poetics of this google translation! Mia and Eric

„In den Wäldern sind Dinge, über die nachzudenken man jahrelang im Moose liegen könnte.“ (Franz Kafka) Dies hier ist so eine Sache. Der Förster in mir stellt sachlich fest: eine Wuchsanomalie, die den Stamm – es handelt sich um eine circa 80jährige Rotbuche – stark entwertet. Ursache ist möglicherweise die mechanische Beeinflussung durch eine zweite Buche, die in der Nähe stand oder ein abgebrochener, dann abgestorbener und eingewachsener Zwiesel, der zu dieser Stammform geführt hat. Denkbar wäre auch, dass zwei eng benachbarte Buchen ineinander verwachsen sind und die eine dann später abgestorben ist. Völlig klären lässt sich dieses Phänomen allerdings nicht. Oder vielleicht doch? Der phantasievolle Waldliebhaber in mir kommt zu einem ganz anderen Ergebnis: eine merkwürdige Begegnung: ein Pferdekopf ohne Pferd. Dafür in einen Baum eingewachsen! Ganz eindeutig. Ich erkenne das große Auge, das mich anzustarren scheint. Dann das Maul und die Nüstern. Insgesamt die edle Kopfhaltung des sicherlich ehemals stolzen Tieres. Auch eindeutig: das Halfter, um den Kopf gelegt, um das feurige Tier überhaupt bändigen und lenken zu können. Es kommt mir tatsächlich sogar irgendwie bekannt vor…. Wie kommt es zu diesem Phänomen? Ich gehe davon aus, dass das Pferd, das dürfte schon einige Jahrhunderte her sein, von einem langen Ritt völlig übermüdet, sein mattes Haupt an die Buche geschmiegt hat, um auszuruhen. Es fiel dann vermutlich in einen mehrjährigen Schlaf, aus dem es nie mehr erwachte, sondern sein Kopf verholzte. In weiteren tausenden von Jahren dürfte daraus der dann erste bekannte versteinerte Pferdekopf werden… Und wo ist der Rest des Pferdes geblieben? Das ist tatsächlich eine schwer zu erklärende und noch schwerer zu verstehende Geschichte. Bei dem markanten Pferdekopf handelt es sich nach meiner Erkenntnis eindeutig um Iltschi, den Rapphengst von Baron Münchhausen. Das ist sicher! Was der Baron hier getrieben und wo der Rest seines edlen Tieres verblieben ist? Das muss für heute im Ungewissen bleiben. Seien wir froh, dass der Bad Dürkheimer Wald diesen Schatz birgt, den weltweit einzigen verholzten Pferdekopf! Submitted by Joachim Weirich, Forstamt Bad Dürkheim, 17.9.2020

"There are things in the woods that you could think about for years in the moss." (Franz Kafka) This is one of those things. The forester in me states factually: a growth anomaly that devalues the trunk - it is an approximately 80-year-old European beech. The cause may be the mechanical influence of a second beech tree that was standing nearby or a broken, then dead and ingrown onion that led to this trunk shape. It is also conceivable that two closely spaced beeches have grown together and that one later died. However, this phenomenon cannot be fully explained. Or maybe yes? The imaginative forest lover in me comes to a completely different result: a strange encounter: a horse's head without a horse. But grown into a tree! Definitely. I recognize the big eye that seems to be staring at me. Then the mouth and nostrils. Overall the noble head posture of the once proud animal. Also clear: the halter, placed around the head in order to be able to tame and direct the fiery animal at all. It actually seems somehow familiar to me ... How does this phenomenon come about? I assume that the horse, which must have been several centuries ago, completely overtired from a long ride, has nestled its dull head against the beech tree to rest. It then probably fell into a sleep of several years, from which it never awoke, but instead lignified its head. In thousands of years more, it should become the first known fossilized horse's head ... And where is the rest of the horse? Indeed, this is a difficult story to explain and even harder to understand. As far as I know, the striking horse's head is clearly Iltschi, Baron Münchhausen's black stallion. That's for sure! What was the baron up to and where was the rest of his noble animal? That must remain in the dark for today. Let's be happy that the Bad Dürkheim Forest holds this treasure, the world's only woody horse's head! Submitted by Joachim Weirich, Bad Dürkheim Forestry Office, September 17, 2020
I would like to participate with my webpage about our beautiful and unique: "Rheininsel Ketschh". (Click the photo to visit the website). Submitted by Nick.

FACES IN THE TREES. My name is Michael. I'm project manager at the Palatinate tourist board in charge of hiking. This picture I took on the long distance hiking trail "Pfälzer Weinsteig" around the city of Wachenheim in July. Isn't it magic what mother nature can create? The Palatinate forest has many different faces! :-) Submitted by Michael.

EXAMPLE OF NORTH AMERICAN TREES - We walked by many tree species that are common in Northern America and learned a lot about how they were brought to the Arboretum plus some curiosities about each one of them. Submitted by Maira.

EXAMPLE OF NORTH AMERICAN TREES - We walked by many tree species that are common in Northern America and learned a lot about how they were brought to the Arboretum plus some curiosities about each one of them. Submitted by Maira.

EXAMPLE OF NORTH AMERICAN TREES - We walked by many tree species that are common in Northern America and learned a lot about how they were brought to the Arboretum plus some curiosities about each one of them. Submitted by Maira.

EXAMPLE OF NORTH AMERICAN TREES - We walked by many tree species that are common in Northern America and learned a lot about how they were brought to the Arboretum plus some curiosities about each one of them. Submitted by Maira.

EXAMPLE OF NORTH AMERICAN TREES - We walked by many tree species that are common in Northern America and learned a lot about how they were brought to the Arboretum plus some curiosities about each one of them. Submitted by Maira.

EXAMPLE OF NORTH AMERICAN TREES - We walked by many tree species that are common in Northern America and learned a lot about how they were brought to the Arboretum plus some curiosities about each one of them. Submitted by Maira.

EXAMPLE OF NORTH AMERICAN TREES - We walked by many tree species that are common in Northern America and learned a lot about how they were brought to the Arboretum plus some curiosities about each one of them. Submitted by Maira.

SIGN POSTS - Submitted by Maira.


EXAMPLE OF NORTH AMERICAN TREES - We walked by many tree species that are common in Northern America and learned a lot about how they were brought to the Arboretum plus some curiosities about each one of them. Submitted by Maira.

SEQUOIA BARK - This is the bark of a Sequoia type tree. It has many layers and its surface feels very peculiar. To me it felt mostly fluffy, with a bit of resistance. Almost like layers of fabric or pieces of rubber over each other. Submitted by Maira.

COMMUNICATING WITH TREES - It is nice to see how intensive people communicate with trees - often the dimension is most impressive for them. Submitted by Claus

COMMUNICATING WITH TREES - It is nice to see how intensive people communicate with trees - often the dimension is most impressive for them. Submitted by Claus

COMMUNICATING WITH TREES - It is nice to see how intensive people communicate with trees - often the dimension is most impressive for them. Submitted by Claus

The Pfäzerwald is always a welcoming destination for hiking with friends, just meeting in a natural environment, talking, having fun, and drinking some Pfälzer Rieslingschorle... Ute send this image of a little hiking tour to a place called Hexenstein between Wachenheim and Bad Dürkheim. Submitted by Claus.

Submitted by Gerlinde & Günther. The pictures were taken during the 3 WOODS hike in Weinheim in September.

Submitted by Gerlinde & Günther. The pictures were taken during the 3 WOODS hike in Weinheim in September.

Submitted by Gerlinde & Günther. The pictures were taken during the 3 WOODS hike in Weinheim in September.

Submitted by Gerlinde & Günther. The pictures were taken during the 3 WOODS hike in Weinheim in September.

Submitted by Gerlinde & Günther. The pictures were taken during the 3 WOODS hike in Weinheim in September.

FANTASTIC LANDSCAPE - Phantastische Landschaften durch einen verrotteten Baumstumpf. Submitted by Chris.

Gefunden im Odenwald - Submitted by WSP.

Baumaugen - Submitted by WSP.

Baumaugen - Submitted by WSP.

Nice view of the autumn trees - Submitted by Chris.

Figures in a dead wood. Submitted by Chris.

HEART OF LEAVES - Oaks, beechs and maples. It's a forest path near Darmstadt in South Hesse called "Waldkunstpfad" - Submitted by WSP

Braut und Bräutigam Ich kenne die beiden schon lange – sicher an die 20 Jahre. Aber ist das lange? Die beiden stehen schon an die 190 Jahre beieinander. Da stehen eine mächtige Buche und eine ebenso eindrucksvolle Eiche. Die Buche hat eine glatte Rinde; ihre Farbe ist mehr grau als grün. Sie steht am Wegrand. Wohl deshalb kamen Menschen auf die Idee, etwas in ihre Rinde hineinzuritzen. Ein Herz ist deutlich zu erkennen, Buchstaben, Zahlen. Ihre verletzte, graue Rinde erinnert an die vernarbte Haut eines alten Walfisches, der so manchen Kampf überstanden und seine Blessuren zurückbehalten hat. Weiß schimmernde, rundliche Flechten haben den Stamm der Buche besiedelt. Sie schaden der Buche keineswegs. Die Eiche dagegen hat eine raue Rinde. Hier lassen sich keine Liebeserklärungen einritzen. Auch die runden Flechten fühlen sich hier nicht wohl. Schleimfluss und Pilzkonsolen zeigen äußerlich an, dass es der Eiche in ihrem Inneren nicht gut geht. Offensichtlich hat sie ihre besten Jahre schon hinter sich. Gehören die beiden zusammen? Schon als ich die Beiden vor langen Jahren das erste Mal sah, war das ganz klar für mich. Ich war sofort sicher: das hier sind Braut und Bräutigam. Sie stehen sehr dicht beieinander. Sie gehören zusammen. Sie sind zwei mächtige Bäume und bilden doch auch eine Einheit. Diese beiden stören sich nicht, diese beiden tun sich gut. Wohltuende Zweisamkeit! Wer ist was? Wer ist Braut? Wer ist Bräutigam? Natürlich sollte der Mensch sich eher verwaldlichen, um die Bäume oder gar den Wald verstehen zu können. Wir Anfänger neigen eher dazu, die Bäume und Alles im Wald zu vermenschlichen… Mir scheint trotzdem, die Eiche ist eher der Bräutigam. Auch wenn sie – wie fast alle Bäume – eine Sie ist. Aber die Eiche ist schon immer ein Symbol von Kraft und Stärke. In der nordischen Mythologie ist die Eiche dem Donner- und Kriegsgott Thor geweiht. Die Eiche ist auch als Symbol der Ewigkeit bekannt. Dieses Raue der Rinde, diese Starre in der Baumkrone, dieses Unbewegliche – das ist eindeutig eher männlich. Dagegen die feine glatte Rinde der Buche, das Feinverästelte ihrer Krone, ihre Schattenverträglichkeit. Das Beschützende ihrer mächtigen, dichten Krone. Die Buche wird auch als „Mutter des Waldes“ bezeichnet. Sie wird wohl die Braut in dieser Zweisamkeit sein. Ein Blick in die Kronen der Beiden. Da wird deutlich, dass sie eine gemeinsame Krone bilden. Zwei Stämme, aber eine Krone. Sie fängt schon weit unten an, ihn mit ihren Zweigen zu umarmen. Seine Krone beginnt erst viel weiter oben, ist unabhängiger, unnahbarer. Sie ist um Nähe, um Austausch bemüht. Eindeutig, oder? Wie wird das wohl bei den Wurzeln der beiden sein? Die sind unsichtbar für uns in der dunklen Erde. Findet auch hier Begegnung statt? Submitted by Joachim Weirich, Forstamt Bad Dürkheim

Oben: Braut und Bräutigam; die beiden Stämme näher betrachtet - Submitted by Joachim Weirich, Forstamt Bad Dürkheim

Oben: Die „Walfischhaut“ des Buchenstammes - Submitted by Joachim Weirich, Forstamt Bad Dürkheim

Oben: Braut und Bräutigam; Umarmung in luftiger Höhe - Submitted by Joachim Weirich, Forstamt Bad Dürkheim

Ehemalige "Riesen", durchaus lebendig, am Rhein - Submimtted by WSP

Ehemalige "Riesen", durchaus lebendig, am Rhein - Submimtted by WSP

Ehemalige "Riesen", durchaus lebendig, am Rhein - Submimtted by WSP

Ehemalige "Riesen", durchaus lebendig, am Rhein - Submimtted by WSP

Palatinate Forest, near my hometown Kaiserslautern - Submitted by Lea

An idea of Indian Summer, last weekend - Submitted by Lea

BIRD'S TREE NEAR OUR HOME - Submitted by Chris

Ilex kommt in den Buchenmischwäldern rund um meinen Ort relativ häufig vor. Der alte Name Hülse oder Hilse für Stechpalme ( Ilex aquifolium) ist sogar Namensgeber für meinen Wohnort Hilsenhain im vorderen Odenwald. Im Jahr 2021 ist der Ilex "Baum des Jahres" - Submitted by Christiane

lex kommt in den Buchenmischwäldern rund um meinen Ort relativ häufig vor. Der alte Name Hülse oder Hilse für Stechpalme ( Ilex aquifolium) ist sogar Namensgeber für meinen Wohnort Hilsenhain im vorderen Odenwald. Im Jahr 2021 ist der Ilex "Baum des Jahres" - Submitted by Christiane

lex kommt in den Buchenmischwäldern rund um meinen Ort relativ häufig vor. Der alte Name Hülse oder Hilse für Stechpalme ( Ilex aquifolium) ist sogar Namensgeber für meinen Wohnort Hilsenhain im vorderen Odenwald. Im Jahr 2021 ist der Ilex "Baum des Jahres" - Submitted by Christiane

lex kommt in den Buchenmischwäldern rund um meinen Ort relativ häufig vor. Der alte Name Hülse oder Hilse für Stechpalme ( Ilex aquifolium) ist sogar Namensgeber für meinen Wohnort Hilsenhain im vorderen Odenwald. Im Jahr 2021 ist der Ilex "Baum des Jahres" - Submitted by Christiane

I can relax wonderfully in the Heidewald. Submitted by Margit.

I can relax wonderfully in the Heidewald. Submitted by Margit.

I can relax wonderfully in the Heidewald. Submitted by Margit.

Submitted by Margit.

I can relax wonderfully in the Heidewald. Submitted by Margit.

TIN CAN BEES. School children in Maxdorf created these bees to leave in the woods. Submitted by Claus.

TIN CAN BEES. School children in Maxdorf created these bees to leave in the woods. Submitted by Claus.

SQUIRREL AT FEEDER. Submitted by Martin.

BIRDS AT BACKYARD FEEDER. Submitted by Martin.
BIRD HOUSE. Submitted by Martin.
DEER IN MEADOW. Submitted by Martin.
BIRD USING BIRD HOUSE. Submitted by Martin.
BIRD AT FEEDER. Submitted by Martin.
BIRD AT FEEDER. Submitted by Martin.
SQUIRREL AT FEEDER. Submitted by Martin.

TREES IN THE HEIDEWALD. This morning I was walking in our Heidewald with a friend and her dog. The sun and the wind was so lovely that I wanted to send you some little impressions of it! Submitted by Bettina.

MEADOW IN HEIDEWALD. his morning I was walking in our Heidewald with a friend and her dog. The sun and the wind was so lovely that I wanted to send you some little impressions of it! Submitted by Bettina.

Submitted by Bettina.

ROBINIA TREES. Submitted by Maira.

ROBINIA BLOSSOMS. Submitted by Maira.

BEEHIVES IN HEIDEWALD. Submitted by Maira.

MEADOW FLOWERS. Submitted by Maira.


BEEHIVES IN HEIDEWALD. Submitted by Maira.

A BEE! Submitted by Maira.
MAYFLIES AND POINTING TO THE WOODS. A video of Eintagsfliegen (mayflies) and the direction toward the woods. Submitted by Christoph.
3 Woods – talk with Corinna, Claus and Kate about wishes and ideas towards woods and forests.
Also Corinna, Claus and Kate spoke about their feelings and attitudes towards woods as a place of reflection – just have a look what they have articulated on this topic. Submitted by Claus.
Recently I started my hike at the parking area " Alte Schanze" at
49°23'58.08 "N, 8° 6'1.65 "E. My destination was the Palatine Lodge
"Lambertskreuz" at 49°24'38.83 "N, 8° 4'2.35 "E.
I was looking forward to the food and drinks offered there.
But then I discovered the entrance to the 18th century
When I entered, I saw amazing things:
Blueberry plants, born out of moss
A monster lizard with a blue and white snout
A reptile with a scaled carapace
On the trunk of a beech tree I found this mystery in the play of light and shadow:
What can you see?
(multiple and additional answers might be possible)
a. A laughing mouse with a white head and black body
b. A man with beard and pointed hat, standing in a wooden bucket
c. A panther jumping out of a bag and capturing a snake
d. A boa constrictor digesting an elephant (A. d. St. Ex.)
e. I have not drunk enough wine to see anything but the trunk of a beech tree
f. What else do you see? ………………….
Hi, ich gehe fast jede Woche in den Wald. Zu Corona-Zeiten oft alleine. Meine Erlebnisse in letzter Zeit: Klanglandschaften im Klangraum Pfälzerwald. Die verschiedenen Klanglandschaften haben mich total beeindruckt - wenn man erst mal einen auditiven Zugang zur Natur gefunden hat, kann man die Natur noch intensiver wahrnehmen. Die Aufnahmen entstanden am Landschaftsweiher St. Martin!
(Hi, I go to the woods almost every week. Often alone during Corona times. My recent experiences: Soundscapes in the Palatinate Forest sound space. I was totally impressed by the different soundscapes - once you've found an auditory access to nature, you can perceive nature even more intensely. The recordings were made at the landscape pond St. Martin!)
Submitted by Sandra.
Hello, here we would like to present our videos with a visit to Pfälzerwald.
3 Woods – talk with the beekeeper Klemens
We had the pleasure to visit our friend Klemens who invited us to a nice place in the area of Pfälzerwald near the town Wachenheim. We used the meeting to talk with him about his hobby beekeeping in a forest area.
So we had the chance to taste the very delightful honey of his Waldrand-Edition and came into touch with the real environment where the production of honey takes place.
A very interesting setting and we enjoyed our stay very much.
Submitted by Claus.
Hi, ich gehe fast jede Woche in den Wald. Zu Corona-Zeiten oft alleine. Meine Erlebnisse in letzter Zeit: Klanglandschaften im Klangraum Pfälzerwald. Die verschiedenen Klanglandschaften haben mich total beeindruckt - wenn man erst mal einen auditiven Zugang zur Natur gefunden hat, kann man die Natur noch intensiver wahrnehmen. Die Aufnahmen entstanden am Landschaftsweiher St. Martin!
(Hi, I go to the woods almost every week. Often alone during Corona times. My recent experiences: Soundscapes in the Palatinate Forest sound space. I was totally impressed by the different soundscapes - once you've found an auditory access to nature, you can perceive nature even more intensely. The recordings were made at the landscape pond St. Martin!)
Submitted by Sandra.
Braut und Bräutigam; die beiden Stämme
Braut und Bräutigam
Ich kenne die beiden schon lange – sicher an die 20 Jahre.
Aber ist das lange? Die beiden stehen schon an die 190 Jahre beieinander.
Da stehen eine mächtige Buche und eine ebenso eindrucksvolle Eiche.
Die Buche hat eine glatte Rinde; ihre Farbe ist mehr grau als grün. Sie steht am Wegrand. Wohl deshalb kamen Menschen auf die Idee, etwas in ihre Rinde hineinzuritzen. Ein Herz ist deutlich zu erkennen, Buchstaben, Zahlen. Ihre verletzte, graue Rinde erinnert an die vernarbte Haut eines alten Walfisches, der so manchen Kampf überstanden und seine Blessuren zurückbehalten hat. Weiß schimmernde, rundliche Flechten haben den Stamm der Buche besiedelt. Sie schaden der Buche keineswegs.
Braut und Bräutigam; die beiden Stämme näher betrachtet
Die „Walfischhaut“ des Buchenstammes
Die Eiche dagegen hat eine raue Rinde. Hier lassen sich keine Liebeserklärungen einritzen. Auch die runden Flechten fühlen sich hier nicht wohl. Schleimfluss und Pilzkonsolen zeigen äußerlich an, dass es der Eiche in ihrem Inneren nicht gut geht. Offensichtlich hat sie ihre besten Jahre schon hinter sich.
Gehören die beiden zusammen? Schon als ich die Beiden vor langen Jahren das erste Mal sah, war das ganz klar für mich. Ich war sofort sicher: das hier sind Braut und Bräutigam.
Sie stehen sehr dicht beieinander. Sie gehören zusammen. Sie sind zwei mächtige Bäume und bilden doch auch eine Einheit. Diese beiden stören sich nicht, diese beiden tun sich gut. Wohltuende Zweisamkeit!
Wer ist was? Wer ist Braut? Wer ist Bräutigam?
Natürlich sollte der Mensch sich eher verwaldlichen, um die Bäume oder gar den Wald verstehen zu können. Wir Anfänger neigen eher dazu, die Bäume und Alles im Wald zu vermenschlichen…
Mir scheint trotzdem, die Eiche ist eher der Bräutigam. Auch wenn sie – wie fast alle Bäume – eine Sie ist. Aber die Eiche ist schon immer ein Symbol von Kraft und Stärke. In der nordischen Mythologie ist die Eiche dem Donner- und Kriegsgott Thor geweiht. Die Eiche ist auch als Symbol der Ewigkeit bekannt. Dieses Raue der Rinde, diese Starre in der Baumkrone, dieses Unbewegliche – das ist eindeutig eher männlich.
Dagegen die feine glatte Rinde der Buche, das Feinverästelte ihrer Krone, ihre Schattenverträglichkeit. Das Beschützende ihrer mächtigen, dichten Krone. Die Buche wird auch als „Mutter des Waldes“ bezeichnet. Sie wird wohl die Braut in dieser Zweisamkeit sein.
Braut und Bräutigam; Umarmung in luftiger Höhe
Ein Blick in die Kronen der Beiden. Da wird deutlich, dass sie eine gemeinsame Krone bilden. Zwei Stämme, aber eine Krone. Sie fängt schon weit unten an, ihn mit ihren Zweigen zu umarmen. Seine Krone beginnt erst viel weiter oben, ist unabhängiger, unnahbarer. Sie ist um Nähe, um Austausch bemüht. Eindeutig, oder?
Wie wird das wohl bei den Wurzeln der beiden sein? Die sind unsichtbar für uns in der dunklen Erde. Findet auch hier Begegnung statt?
Submitted by Joachim Weirich, Forstamt Bad Dürkheim