This is Folkenparken(Check back often as we will be updating regularly with images, texts, and archival materials) Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Submitted by Gyrd. Here is the pamphlet I made for a walk in the Folkeparken, dating back to the late 1980s. Nothing much has actually changed since then on this track. Submitted by Øystein. Here is the pamphlet I made for a walk in the Folkeparken, dating back to the late 1980s. Nothing much has actually changed since then on this track. Submitted by Øystein. Here is the pamphlet I made for a walk in the Folkeparken, dating back to the late 1980s. Nothing much has actually changed since then on this track. Submitted by Øystein. Submitted by Beate. EARLY MORNING IN FOLKEPARKEN. Jeg våknet kl. 5:45 i dag og tenkte da jeg så hva klokka det var: Nei! Hva skal jeg gjøre så tidlig???!!! Da lå jeg i senga en time, med mange og ikke så viktige tanker, uten å får sove igjen. Plutselig jeg fikk en ide: en tur til Folkeparken! Da sprang jeg ut av senga, dusjet meg, laget kaffe, pakket en banan, notatboka mi og “off you go”, uten mobiltelefon! Jeg bor i St. Olavs gate, så det er ikke så lang unna Folkeparken. Jeg gikk forbi sykehuset og stoppet der for å kjøpe meg en bolle, til frokost. For en hyggelig mann på receptionen! Og ei dame på kaffeen. Hun ønsket meg en “kos deg masse!”. Og jeg fikk en kanelbolle for 10 krone. Yes! Da jeg kom til parkering ved Folkeparken gikk jeg til “park og idrett” sitt kontor til å spørre om jeg kunne få ved av dem for å ta det med til gapahuken. Da satt to men. En av dem sa: Ja! Bare ta! Så lenge du ikke ta det med deg hjem. Så flirte vi. “For en bra start” tenkte jeg. Jeg gikk ca. 15 min med veden i en pose på ryggen til yndlings gapahuken min, den som ligger rett opp ved grunnvannet. Der satt jeg meg på en benk og spiste frokost mens jeg skrevet denne teksten. Sola hadde også frokosten sin på andre siden av parken. Så generøs som hun er, sola ga meg sin beste varme, lys og et bilde jeg kommer aldri til å glemme: Treskygger på bakken. Takk Sola! Takk Folkeparken, takk for i dag! Submitted by Elizabeth EARLY MORNING IN FOLKEPARKEN. I woke up at 5:45 today and thought when I saw what time it was: No! What should I do so early ??? !!! Then I lay in bed for an hour, with many and not so important thoughts, without being allowed to sleep again. Suddenly I got an idea: a trip to Folkeparken! Then I jumped out of bed, showered, made coffee, packed a banana, my notebook and "off you go", without a cell phone! I live in St. Olavs gate, so it is not that far from Folkeparken. I walked past the hospital and stopped there to buy myself a bowl, for breakfast. What a nice man at the front desk! And a lady at the cafe. She wanted me to "enjoy yourself a lot!". And I got a cinnamon bun for 10 kroner. Yes! When I got to the parking lot at Folkeparken, I went to the "park and sports" office to ask if I could get firewood from them to take it to the gapahuken. Then sat two men. One of them said: Yes! Just take! As long as you do not take it home with you. Then we laughed. "What a great start," I thought. I went approx. 15 min with the wood in a bag on the back of my favorite gapahuken, the one that lies right up by the groundwater. There I sat on a bench and ate breakfast while writing this text. The sun also had its breakfast on the other side of the park. As generous as she is, the sun gave me her best warmth, light and a picture I will never forget: Wooden shadows on the ground. Thanks Sola! Thank you Folkeparken, thank you for today! (Translated using Google Translate). Submitted by Elizabeth WHAT FOLKEPARKEN MEANS TO ME. Folkeparken: Betyr for meg; tur, lek, sosialt, ro. Tar turer med mannen for trim og ro. Med barnehagen for lek og moro. Tur med venner og kolleger for grilling og sosialt. Folkeparken er for å nytes med venner og alene. Folkeparken for bruk året rundt, til fots, ski og sykkel. Gå inn til Grunnvannet finne en benk og se på fuglene på vannet og barna som leker og ler. Litt lenger inn på en fin høyde, sitte alene og se ut over, finne roen i sjel og sinn, høre fuglesang og er du heldig se både hare, rev og elg. Høre rypa som kurrer og lokker på maken en tidlig vårdag. Folkeparken for liten og stor. Er byens største skatt.🥰 Bildene er fra en av mine høstturer. Submitted by Iris. WHAT FOLKEPARKEN MEANS TO ME. Means for me; turn, play, social, calm. Takes walks with the man for exercise and tranquility. With the kindergarten for play and fun. Trip with friends and colleagues for barbecues and socializing. Folkeparken is to be enjoyed with friends and alone. Folkeparken for use all year round, on foot, skis and bicycles. Go into Grunnvannet find a bench and watch the birds on the water and the children playing and laughing. A little further in on a nice hill, sit alone and look out over, find peace of mind, hear birdsong and you are lucky to see both hare, fox and elk. Hear the grouse cooing and luring your mate on an early spring day. Folkeparken for small and large. Is the city's biggest treasure. Submitted by Iris. AUTUMN IN FOLKEPARKEN. Submitted by Iris. AUTUMN IN FOLKEPARKEN. Submitted by Iris. AUTUMN IN FOLKEPARKEN. Submitted by Iris. AUTUMN IN FOLKEPARKEN. Submitted by Iris. MINE TANKER OG MINNER OM FOLKEPARKEN. Submitted by Elizabeth Submitted by Beate. Submitted by Ragnheiður. Submitted by Ragnheiður. Submitted by Ragnheiður. Submitted by Ragnheiður. Submitted by Ragnheiður. Submitted by Ragnheiður. Submitted by Ragnheiður. Submitted by Ragnheiður. Submitted by Ragnheiður. Submitted by Ragnheiður. Submitted by Ragnheiður. Submitted by Thea. Submitted by Thea. Submitted by Thea. Submitted by Thea.